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Nya BIAB finns i härliga pastellnyanser!

All in One BIAB™

Our new and revolutionary All-in-One BIAB™ is the only product you need to effortlessly apply DesignEX Pro™ extensions. The first-ever clear soak off BIAB™ has 50% less HEMA for NO heat spikes, allowing for comfortable application every time. This hard-wearing, self-levelling formula acts as a base, builder gel AND top coat. The amazing All in One BIAB™ does it all in one bottle.

  • First-ever clear soak-off BIAB™.
  • 50% less HEMA eliminates heat spikes.
  • Multipurpose formula acts as a base, builder gel AND top coat.
  • Secures nail decorations and embellishments.
  • The only gel needed to apply and infill DesignEx Pro™ tips.
  • Self-levelling formula for effortlessly strong overlays.

+ Ingredients