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Nya BIAB finns i härliga pastellnyanser!

Evergreen BIAB™

Join the BIAB™ revolution and embrace brand-new dark BIAB™ shades like Evergreen — our first-ever dark green builder gel shade. This rich lush forest green will be a client fave for manis all year round. Apply. Top. Go! Available in our classic Original BIAB™ formula — remember if it's not TGB, it's not BIAB™

  • The original Builder In A Bottle™ – if it’s not TGB, it’s not BIAB™.
  • Create strong, durable and long-lasting overlays or use as a protective shield to support natural nail growth.
  • Apply. Top. Go. — with our 5-in-1 formula: Primer, Base Coat, Strengthener, Builder and Colour.
  • Self-levelling consistency for smooth application which can be infilled or soaked off.
  • Long-lasting formulation with no chipping or lifting for up to 5 weeks.
  • Available in 60+ shades.
  • LED and UV curable. 100% gel system.

Colour Representation:
Every effort is made to ensure that all our product imagery is as accurate as possible. Due to colour/resolution settings on electronic devices, the colour representation may differ slightly from the physical product.

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