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Nya BIAB finns i härliga pastellnyanser!

Best of Lilac Files — 100/100 Nail File 5 Pack

Our new range of slim silhouette nail files is the perfect tool for every nail tech and each file comes in our iconic TGB lilac colourway, in a pack of 5.

The coarse 100-grit nail file has been designed for hard gel and nail extension products — primarily to shape and shorten nails by effectively filing down thicker materials such as BIAB™, ProForm™, GelPot and other hard gels. You can also de-bulk and remove gel product with this lower grit file, making it the perfect choice for nail techs working with artificial enhancements.

We do not recommend this grit to be used on natural nails as it is too coarse and abrasive. For natural nail shaping and prep, use our 220/240 Half Moon Nail File.

  • Double-sided 100/100 grit nail file
  • Fully sanitisable
  • Pack of 5 nail files
  • For use on hard gel and extensions
  • Chic lilac colourway


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