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Nya BIAB finns i härliga pastellnyanser!


Say goodbye to manual sculpting and hello to speedy ProForm™ manis with our nail moulding tips — QuickShape™!

Transform how you create acrylic gel nail extensions with the perfect apex guaranteed. It's easy — just apply your chosen ProForm™ shade to the reusable QuickShape™, hold on to the nail and cure. Why not use our QuickShape™ Clips to ensure the tips stay in the right position?

Choose from 12 different sizes and flawlessly create any nail shape your clients desire.

100% of users prefer QuickShape™ Nail Moulding Tips to any others they have tried*

9/10 users found QuickShape™ Nail Moulding Tips easier to use than sculpting extensions*

*Based on an independent study with X nail technicians.

  • One form can create all shapes — from square to almond.
  • No need to manually sculpt ProForm™ saving you 15 mins per appointment.
  • The perfect apex has been created for you.
  • Reusable forms (after sterilisation).
  • 120 pieces per box.


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